STEPHEN M. SAIDEMAN, Publications 2012-2022
Saideman Publication List:
Stephen M. Saideman, Adapting in the Dust: Lessons Learned from Canada’s War in Afghanistan, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016.
David P. Auerswald and Stephen M. Saideman, NATO in Afghanistan: Fighting Together, Fighting Alone, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014.
Edited Volumes and Special Issues:
Patrick Mello and Stephen M. Saideman, editors, “The Politics of Multilateral Military Operations,” Contemporary Security Policy, 2019.
Fen Osler Hampson and Stephen M. Saideman, editors, Elusive Pursuits: Lessons from Canada’s Interventions Abroad, Canada Among Nations Volume 29. Waterloo: Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2015.
Refereed Articles:
David P. Auerswald, Philippe Lagassé, and Stephen M. Saideman “Some Assembly Required: How Democratic Legislatures Vary in Overseeing the Military,” Foreign Policy Analysis (forthcoming).
Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, Erin Jenne, Connor Kopchick, and Stephen M. Saideman "Emerging Diasporas: Exploring Mobilization Outside the Homeland,” Journal of Peace Research (First online May 2021).
Philippe Lagassé and Stephen M. Saideman, “When Civil-Military Relations is Civil: Trust and Parliamentary Oversight of Military Affairs in Belgium and New Zealand,” European Journal of International Security, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2019), pp. 20-40.
Patrick Mello and Stephen M. Saideman, “Introduction to Special Issue on Coalition Operations,” Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 40, No. 1 (2019), pp. 30-37,
Stephen M. Saideman, “The Apparent Decline of the Paradigms: Examining Patterns of Publications, Perceptions, and Citations,” International Studies Review, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2018): 685–703.
Philippe Lagassé and Stephen Saideman, “Public Critic or Secretive Monitor: Party Objectives And Legislative Oversight Of The Military In Canada,” West European Politics, Vol. 40, No. 1 (2017): 119-138.
Stephen M. Saideman, “ELF Must Die: Institutions, Concentration, the International Relations of Ethnic Conflict and the Quest for Better Data,” Ethnopolitics, Vo. 16, No. 1 (2017): 66-73. Re-printed in Ethnic Politics and Conflict/Violence: State of the Field and New Directions, edited by Erika Forsberg, Jóhanna K. Birnir, and Christian Davenport, New York: Routledge, 2018.
Stephen M. Saideman, “The Ambivalent Coalition: Doing the Least One Can Do Against The Islamic State,” Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 37, No. 2 (2016): 289-305.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Canadian Scholarship on International Relations: Unified, Divided or Diverse?” International Journal, Vol. 71, No. 2 (2016): 192-2013.
Johanna Birnir, et al., “Socially Relevant Ethnic Groups, Ethnic Structure And AMAR,” Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 52, No. 1 (2015): 110-115.
Stephen M. Saideman, “When Conflict Spreads: Arab Spring and the Limits of Contagion,” International Interactions, Vol. 38, No. 5 (2012): 713-722.
Stephen M. Saideman and David P. Auerswald, “Comparing Caveats: Understanding the Sources of National Restrictions upon NATO's Mission in Afghanistan,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 56, No. 1 (March 2012): 67–84.
Refereed Book Chapters
Stephen M. Saideman, “Begging Permission, Asking Forgiveness: Explaining How Officers Handle Wearing Two Hats in Multilateral Military Operations.” Military Politics: New Perspectives (Berghahn Books), forthcoming.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Civilian Control of Super-heroes: :Applying What We Know from Civil-Military Relations,” In The Politics of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, edited by Nicholas Carnes and Lilly J. Goren, Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2022, 154-165.
Stephen M. Saideman, Stéfanie von Hlatky, and Graeme Hopkins, “Corona as a Constraint on the CAF? As Always, the Mission Matters,” In Stress Tested: the COVID-19 Pandemic and Canadian National Security, edited by Leah West, Thomas Juneau, and Amar Amarasingam, Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2021, 145-160.
Stephen M. Saideman, “When the Linguistically Lightweight Go Abroad: Relying on Sharp Students,” In An Unorthodox Guide to Fieldwork, ed. by Peter Krause and Ora B. Szekely, New York: Columbia University Press, 2020, 70-74.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Canadian Civil-Military Relations in Comparative Perspective: It Could Be Worse?” In Canadian Defence Policy in Theory and Practice, ed. by Thomas Juneau, Philippe Lagassé, and Srdjan Vucetic, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 119-134.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Six Years in Kandahar: Understanding Canada’s Multidimensional Effort to Build a Sustainable Afghan State.” In From Kinshasa to Kandahar: Canada and Fragile States in Historical Perspective, 1964–2014, ed. by Michael Caroll and Greg Donaghy, University of Calgary Press, 2016, pp. 165-184.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Canada’s Whole of Government Approach: More and Less Than Advertised,” Reconstructing Afghanistan: Civil-Military Experiences in Comparative Perspective, ed. by William Maley and Susanne Schmeidl, Routledge Press, 2014, 55-66.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Canadian Forces in Afghanistan: Generational Change While Under Fire,” in Military Adaptation and the War in Afghanistan, edited by Theo Farrell, Frans Osinga and James Russell, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2013, 219-241.
Stephen M. Saideman, “When Nationalists Disagree: Who Should One Hate and Kill” in Nationalism and War, edited by John Hall and Sinisa Malesevic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 341-355.
David P. Auerswald and Stephen M. Saideman, “Coalitions at the Limits: NATO’s Restricted Effort in Afghanistan,” in The International Community and Statebuilding: Getting Their Act Together? edited by Patrice McMahon and Jon Western, Series on Statebuilding and Intervention, London: Routledge Press, 2012.
Policy Pieces:
Stéfanie von Hlatky and Stephen M. Saideman, “How COVID-19 Has Impacted Canadian Forces missions abroad,” Policy Options, June 19th, 2020,
Stephen M. Saideman, “Deterrence and Reassurance in the Incredible Age of Trump,” in The Return of Deterrence: Credibility and Capabilities in a New Era, ed. By William G. Braun III; Stéfanie von Hlatky; Kim Richard Nossal, Queens University (Kingston, ON): Centre for International and Defence Policy, 2019, 87-96.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Trump and Putin: A Troubling, High-Stakes Relationship,” Diplomat and International Canada, April 11th, 2017,
Stephen M. Saideman, “What the Afghanistan Mission Teaches Canada,” International Journal, Vol. 72, No. 1 (March 2017): 131-141.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Hard Defence Decisions for Parties, Hard Decisions for Voters,” Dispatch: Quarterly Review of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, Fall 2015, Vol. 13, No. 3: 16-17.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Nie wieder!“ – mit Einschränkungen Der Kampf um Kandahar wird noch Generationen prägen (The Impact of Kandahar on Canada’s Future Foreign Policies), Internationale Politik, July/August 2015, 107-109.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Iraq and Syria: Same Problems, Different Targets,” On Track, CDA Institute, 2015, Volume 20, No. 1, 28-30.
David P. Auerswald and Stephen M. Saideman, “NATO: Fighting Together, With Caveats,” Vanguard August-September 2014,
Stephen M. Saideman, “The Dismal Present and Future of Smart Defence, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Transatlantic Security Task Force Series, June 2014,
Stephen M. Saideman, “What Future the Combat Army,” Vanguard, April 16th, 2013.
Stephen M. Saideman, “Afghanistan as a Test of Canadian Character: What Did We Learn From the Experience?” CIGI: The Afghanistan Papers, No. 10, May 2012.