One of my greatest sources of pride has been the success of my PhD students. I have learned a great deal from their work especially as they often research in areas that are rather tangential to my own areas of expertise. I might as well promote them here since I am tied to them via an unbreakable vow. I will be keeping a list of their publications and other accomplishments at my blog.
Marshall Palmer, “Our Man in Havana: Explaining the Causes, Conduct, and Consequences of Foreign Electoral Intervention,” Carleton University, 2022.
Mike Fejes, “‘All For One or One For All?’ Explaining Military Intervention and Deployment Variations Through Bureaucratic Influence,” Carleton University, 2024
Maya Dafinova, "Keeping the Inter-Agency Peace? A Comparative Study of Whole-of-Government Peace Operations Management in Afghanistan," Carleton University, 2018. Working for an NGO in Ireland.
Jessica Trisko, “Aiding and Abetting: Foreign Aid and State Coercion,” McGill University, 2012. Now at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Aisha Ahmad, “Between the Mosque and the Market: An Economic Explanation of State Failure and State Formation in the Modern Muslim World,” McGill University, 2012. Tenured at U of Toronto.
Ora Szekely, “Send Lawyers, Guns and Money: The Politics of Militia Survival in the Middle East,” McGill University, 2011, Tenured at Clark University.
Sarah Myriam Martin-Brûlé, “Tackling the Anarchy Within: The Role of Deterrence and Great Power Intervention in Peace Operations,” McGill University, 2010, Tenured at Bishop’s University.
Suranjan Weeranatne, “Degrees of ‘Scapegoatability’: Assessing Spatial Variations in Collective Violence against the Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, McGill University, 2009, Tenured at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.
Amy Cox, “Understanding Violence: When And Why Do Communities Support The Use Of Violence Against The State?” McGill University, 2009, now working as a realtor in Philadelphia.
Jonathan Paquin, “Recognizing the Obvious: The US Response to Secessionist Amibtions Since the End of the Cold War,” McGill University, 2006, tenured at Université Laval.
Brent Sasley, “Ideas, Individuals, and Institutions: Foreign Policy Variation in Israel and Turkey,” McGill University, 2006, tenured at University of Texas at Arlington.
Samuel Stanton, “Environmental Scarcity and Ethnic Conflict: Examining Causal Mechanisms Through Case Studies and Quantitative Analyses,” Texas Tech University, 2004, equivalent of tenured at Grove City College.
Other Students:
Casey Babb, “Digital Dictators: How Different Types of Authoritarian Regimes Use Cyber Attacks to Legitimize Their Rule,” Carleton University, 2022, Natural Resources Canada—Cyber and Energy Security Policy and Outreach.
Sean Winchester, “Explaining Military Intervention and Deployment Variations Through Bureaucratic Influence,” Carleton University, 2019.
Theo McLauchlin, “Desertion, Control, and Collective Action in Civil Wars," McGill University, 2012, Post-Doc at U. de Montreal, Tenured at U de Montreal.
Pahi Saikia, “Protest Networks, Communicative Mechanisms and State Responses: Ethnic Mobilization and Violence in Northeast India,” McGill University, 2009, tenure track at IIT, Guwahati.
David Steinberg, was my first undergraduate RA at McGill, went on to become a grad student at Northwestern and a co-author of mine. Tenure track at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies